
Teaching Philosophy

In the lab, the overarching teaching philosophy is to achieve excellence through motivation and continuous improvement linked to a growth mindset[1]: Anchored in neuroplasticity[2], acquiring a growth mindset has been shown[3] to greatly improve academic achievement. It has been found[4] that excellent teachers create such an environment that is challenging yet supportive, where students can safely try, fail and receive feedback and where teachers constantly improve themselves and their curriculum. I have personally benefited much from this mindset and convey it in it in both my teaching and mentoring.

[1] Dweck (2008), Mindset: the New Psychology of Success.

[2] Green and Bavelier (2008), “Exercising Your Brain: a Review of Human Brain Plasticity and Training-Induced Learning.”

[3] Sarrasin et al. (2018), “Effects of Teaching the Concept of Neuroplasticity to Induce a Growth Mindset on Motivation, Achievement, and Brain Activity”

[4] Bain (2011), What the Best College Teachers Do.